
This page describes the design of QMI.

Design Goals

QMI was designed with the following goals in mind:

  • minimal dependencies

    To the largest extent that is possible and practical, QMI is built on functionality that’s available in Python’s standard library. One particular choice we made was to implement our own RPC and networking functionality, rather than building on one of the numerous existing frameworks that provide that kind of functionality.

    The reason for this is twofold. First, many of those frameworks force you to write your programs in a certain style. This clashes with our design goal to make QMI suitable for users who are not primarily software engineers. Especially networking and RPC frameworks often force the use of a peculiar control flow with callbacks or another mechanism, that is hard to understand (and hence, to use properly) for non-programmers.

    Second, on the timescale of years and more, frameworks come and go; and it is often unclear which framework will survive and thrive over such timescales. Betting on the wrong framework (or one that will be seen as outdated in a few years time) will immediately limit the long-term prospects of the framework. We therefore mostly build on quite primitive functionality available in the standard library (like TCP sockets), that will be around for at least a couple of decades.

  • cross-platform

    While in our own lab we tend to prefer Linux over Windows, it is also true that some devices can only realistically be used with MS Windows. Also, many potential users simply prefer Windows, or have no choice in the matter. It was therefore decided early on to make QMI cross-platform, supporting both Linux and Windows. As a pleasant side-effect, QMI will also work under macOS (since as a BSD-unix derivative, it is pretty close to Linux).

    QMI will also work perfectly well in a heterogeneous environment, with both Linux and Windows computers operating in the same network.

  • network transparency

    QMI provides network transparency, which concretely means that instruments and tasks running in QMI can be monitored and controlled by other devices in the same network. To achieve this, a QMI process can connect to any other QMI process in the network, and connect to any instrument or task that it manages locally.

    This is especially useful to control USB devices and the like. In practice, one would often simply have one or more QMI processes running on a system that does nothing more than opening a number of (local) instruments. Such a process can then be contacted from any other QMI process, running on the same computer or another computer in the network, and that ‘client’ process can then access those instruments as if they were locally corrected. This mechanism does of course incur a penalty in terms of performance, but in most circumstances, this penalty is not relevant.

    Likewise, tasks can also be monitored and controlled over the network. An obvious example would be a control loop that can be monitored and/or controlled by some outside process, for example a graphical user interface.

  • API optimized for users who are not primarily software engineers.

    QMI is designed in such a way that users (often physicists) do not usually need to know a lot about the internals of QMI to use it effectively. The API is simple and straightforward; the complexities of things like running multiple tasks in parallel, or accessing remote instruments and tasks as if they were local, are not normally visible to the user.

    In particular, QMI users should be able to write very small Python programs or scripts that do not require a lot of programming to successfully use QMI. For many applications, like simple measurements, a call to qmi.start() at the start of the script, followed by one or two calls to qmi.make_instrument(), followed by a call to qmi.stop(), is all it takes to successfully use QMI.

    Working in a lab environment a lot of time is usually spent on getting thinks to work at least somewhat, followed by a stage where one optimizes the behavior of the instruments and tasks, to the point where the intended functionality is achieved.

    This natural work-flow is nicely mirrored in the use of QMI. At first, a user would write one or a few very basic scripts that allows simple experimentation with all the instruments involved. As the understanding grows, the script(s) are developed until the user is satisfied with their performance. Some scripts will just remain in that form, which is perfectly fine. For example, a calibration procedure that will always be explicitly started could just be run as a QMI script when it is needed.

    In practice, some other types of scripts will be developed that are intended to be run automatically, or even permanently; the typical example of such a task would be a control loop. For these types of scripts, it will probably make sense to rework them into so-called QMI tasks, once the basic functionality is sufficiently developed and tested. The main advantage of a QMI task is that it can be monitored and controlled remotely. Furthermore, it is possible for a single Python process to execute multiple QMI tasks concurrently, through the magic of threads. This can be very useful in cases where you have essentially the same type of behavior (e.g., a control loop for a certain type of equipment), where multiple instances of this piece of equipment need to be controlled. This could be implemented in multiple processes, but it may be more convenient to have a single process that manages multiple tasks - for example, a “laser controller” script that manages three or four lasers with a similar interface, each with their own task.

Design Decision: use of threads

One important design decision that was taken early on was that QMI will (heavily) use threading.

Threads have a reputation for being hard to use, and with good reason. It is perfectly possible to make very complicated programs with lots of threads, and this can make debugging really hard. Also, the advantages of using threads in Python are not that you would gain performance; Python implements a so-called global interpreter lock that makes threads a lot easier to use safely, but this puts a hard limit on the performance gain to be gotten from thread usage in Python. Fortunately, in a lab environment, it is rare to have a need for experimental scripts that are CPU-bound. In almost all circumstances, experimental code will be I/O-bound*. And in that case, a judicious use of threads can keep code simple.

In QMI, threads are used in several places. One of the most important use is that each QMI instrument has its own private thread, that encapsulates the opening, using, and closing of the instrument. All interaction with the instrument is done via this thread. (The complicated mechanism to get this to work is hidden in QMI - a user will normally not even realize that the instrument isn’t being used directly.)

This use of threads is especially advantageous in cases where a single QMI process is running multiple tasks. Each task can talk to its instruments, and calls to that instruments will block that task – but not other tasks! So tasks can run essentially independently of one another, and don’t have to worry about a device managed by some other task that reacts slowly, or takes a long time to process a request.

Some QMI instruments manage ‘internal’ threads as well; for example, an event time-tagger instrument may spontaneously emit data that needs to be consumed in order to prevent buffer overruns. In QMI, this is generally solved by equipping such an instrument with a data consumer thread that continuously reads data from the instrument and buffers it at the Python level.

Another important use of threads is in QMI tasks; these run in their own thread, making them independent of one another (and also of the program running in the main thread).

We note here that there is an alternative to threads in modern Python, in the form of so-called asynchronous I/O and coroutines, which is now part of the standard Python language with the ‘async’ keyword.

We decided against building asynchronous I/O for two reasons. First, an asyncio Python program still runs in a single thread, which is both a blessing and a curse. First: if, for some reason, an asynchronous process does not yield control, all non-running co-routines will stop making progress. Second, writing async-aware code currently requires users to have a pretty sophisticated understanding of what async is and how it works, in order to prevent situations where a running sub- or coroutine doesn’t yield control. We feel that this was too much of a burden on the users. In contrast, thread-based code is pretty straight-forward, and doesn’t require a lot of consideration for the fact that it is, in fact, running in a thread. While this is not true in general, we like to think that it is true in QMI, where threads are not directly used and manipulated by the user, but always indirectly (mostly via instruments or tasks).

In practice, we have seen preciously little problems caused by threads in QMI over a few years of heavy use. So we are pretty pleased with this particular choice.


Most of the features of QMI have been touched on above:

  • Instruments provide abstraction of lab equipment. QMI currently supports a few dozen instruments, with more to follow. Also, it should be relatively easy to add support for new instruments.

  • Tasks provide an abstraction for behavior. This is mostly used for behavior that has an indefinite timespan, such as control loops, that are (almost) always active.

  • Network transparency means that instruments and tasks can be accessed over the network. But the visibility and access should also be controllable so that these can be restricted to e.g. selected work groups. To hide a process from the default search of QMI contexts in the network, set the “workgroup” parameter in the QMI configuration to a specific string. Then, only searches which have as a selective parameter this workgroup name can find it. The default workgroup name is simply “default”.

  • Cross platform support means that we support Linux and Windows (and secondarily, also macOS).

  • Implemented in modern Python means we’re using Python 3, and intend to keep it up-to-date as Python evolves.

Design Overview


The figure above outlines the class inheritance and ownership relations of the most important classes in QMI.

The boxes in this graph denote classes. Classes with a red border are active classes, meaning they are running in a dedicated thread.

Green arrows denote inheritance, i.e., an ‘is-a’ relation between classes.

Blue arrows denote ownership. Ownerships arrows start in a named field of a class instance, and the arrow carries a label that shows how many instances are owned, e.g., ‘(one)’ or ‘(zero or more)’.

We discuss these classes below.

QMI Contexts

The QMI_Context class is the centralized entry-point to all functionality of QMI. A QMI process has a single QMI_Context that is initialized by a call to qmi.start() and discarded by a call to qmi.stop(). In between these calls, the context can be accessed by a call to qmi.context(). The configuration of a context is based on customized @configstruct data classes CfgQmi and CfgContext. These are JSON-like structures and can be read in from a configuration file, or given as an argument input in qmi.start().

The QMI owns (directly or indirectly) all QMI-related objects in a process. Many of them are administrative in nature and will not normally be accessed by the user, but the QMI_Instrument and QMI_Task instances are examples of user-accessible projects that are managed and owned by the QMI_Context; the user merely gets a handle to them. QMI_RpcObject instances can also be directly accessed.

Threading in QMI

The QMI_Thread class is a thin wrapper around bare Python threads, that support a common patterns for thread termination. The QMI_Thread is for internal use within QMI only; it is emphatically not intended to be used by QMI users. We prefer to hide the complexity of thread management as much as possible from QMI users, since they are error-prone and tend to lead to hard-to-understand code, in the hands of non software-engineers.

Remote Procedure Calls

One particularly important mechanism built on to of QMI messaging is RPC (remote procedure calls). Each RPC-capable object is represented by its own RpcObjectManager that is owned by the QMI_Context. Its associated _RpcThread object owns a QMI_RpcObject and is responsible for executing incoming RPC calls to the object. The incoming calls can be from the same context itself, but also from another context. This is made possible by creating a proxy to the context in another context. QMI_Context can make and/or return a QMI_RpcProxy object of a running _RpcThread._rpc_object instance, through the target QMI_RpcObjectManager mapped in _rpc_object_map.

The _ContextRpcObject answers RPC calls that can be made to the QMI_Context itself. A QMI_Instrument is a superclass for all equipment, and equipment is generally also accessed by RPC calls (e.g. ‘getVoltage()’, ‘setVoltage()’). A QMI_TaskRunner responds to a standardized set of RPC methods that can be used to communicate with QMI_Task instances. Note in particular that tasks themselves are not RPC-capable objects! This decision was made to keep the QMI_Task semantics as simple as possible; the all-important run() method of a QMI_Task does not have to deal with the possibility that other methods can be run while it is active. This was deemed too error-prone and fragile for the intended users of QMI. Instead of that, the method is instructed to explicitly handle incoming requests in its main loop. This behavior is highly stylized and, while strictly less powerful than supporting full RPC-capability, provides enough flexibility to handle the most common use-cases.

Example contexts


We could have as an example three contexts: In context one, we have made two instances of QMI_Instrument (e.g. A signal generator and an oscilloscope on a lab PC). Then we have a second context, that runs a task, utilizing QMI_LoopTask, which is configured to make connection to context one, and to control the instruments in it. This context could reside e.g. in an office PC close to the lab. This second contexts now sends also out settings and status signals which can e.g. be forwarder to a database. Also on the office PC could run a third context that monitors the task status in context two and instrument status in context one. This context is hooked in the status signal and at specific signal values or circumstances could either tell context two to change settings or stop task, or send specific commands to the instruments in context one.

Blocking and Non-blocking Proxies

The RPC objects that run on other threads, in the same or other contexts, are controlled through their proxies. As shown before, these proxies are made to _RpcThread._rpc_object instances of RPC objects. The regular QMI_RpcProxy object calls are blocking, meaning that when a RPC call is made, it will not return until it is finished, blocking the thread of the object from handling other RPC calls in the meanwhile. The function blocking_rpc_method_call is used and this creates a future object with QMI_RpcFuture. This object then sends the RPC request message for the method in question in the RPC call, and return the result or None of the call. Or exits with some exception.

As some calls might have long execution times or get stuck in a loop or e.g. slow instrument response, the blocking of the RPC object might result in an overload of calls and a crash. For systems sensitive to this kinds of issues the proxy object has also rpc_nonblocking object as attribute, created by calling QMI_RpcNonBlockingProxy with the same context and descriptor inputs. Lets assume a proxy to an object is made with

>>> proxy_instrument = qmi.get_instrument("context.instrument")

You would make a regular call with

>>> result = proxy_instrument.get_some_value()

Now this could block the script making this call, and the RPC object itself, until (or if!) it returns. Instead we can make a call

>>> result_future = proxy_instrument.rpc_nonblocking.get_some_value()
>>> assert isinstance(future, QMI_RpcFuture)
>>> # Could possibly do other calls here
>>> result = result_future.wait()  # Blocks this script only, not the RPC object

The call now uses function non_blocking_rpc_method_call that returns the QMI_RpcFuture object itself, and the result is then obtained in the call script (if it should return one) or just wait until the call is finished.

Note that if the issue is slowly responding hardware, and several non-blocking calls are made which want to get a response from the hardware, this could lead into unexpected hardware responses and/or other kinds of issues, and crashing of the code.

Further, the proxies have the possibility of locking their objects to be controlled by a specific context only. The use of the lock(), unlock(), force_unlock() and is_locked() methods are illustrated in the Tutorial.


The network facilities of QMI are managed by a number of closely-related classes. QMI networking is based on messages that can be delivered to instances of class MessageHandler (an abstract class). This class has several subclasses that can serve as the target for QMI messages: the RpcObjectManager which handles RPC requests for one particular RPC-capable object, the SignalManager which handles publish-subscribe type communications, and the RpcFuture, which represents the result of a pending RPC call (for example, to an instrument).

The MessageRouter is a class that is capable of local and remote delivery of messages. Remote messages travel over TCP as pickled classes, whereas local message delivery skips the pickle/unpickle step and is therefore much more efficient. The MessageRouter has a _socket_manager that manages a bunch of ‘live’ sockets; the UdpResponder manages a single datagram socket that responds to UDP (broadcast) messages that are used to enumerate all QMI processes in a given network; a PeerTcpConnection is a live, bi-directional connection to another network-accessible QMI_Context; at any given the, the local QMI_Context may have sockets open to multiple QMI_Contexts in other processes or even computers. The single TcpServer allows other QMI_Sockets to initiate a PeerTcpConnection to us.

Message delivery among a set of QMI processes is always point-to-point; there is no routing. If a QMI process needs to exchanges messages with some other QMI process, it will need to have an active, direct PeerTcpConnection.

Messaging more in detail


The figure above outlines the class inheritance, ownership, parameter type and usage relations of the QMI messaging and signalling.

Green arrows denote inheritance, i.e., an ‘is-a’ relation between classes.

Blue arrows denote ownership. Ownerships arrows start in a named field of a class instance, and the arrow carries a label that shows how many instances are owned, e.g., ‘(one)’ or ‘(zero or more)’.

Black dashed arrows with open arrow heads means that a method call’s argument or arguments are of class type of target.

Black arrows with full arrow heads means that a method is implemented and/or called in the target class method.

The QMI_Message can have multiple instances with unique source and destination addresses. The QMI_RequestMessage and QMI_ReplyMessage classes take a request_id, which is generated when making a request, as a random 64-bit integer string. QMI_InitialHandshakeMessage is sent when making a connection to a peer, trialling if the connection can receive messages. By messaging errors, a QMI_ErrorReplyMessage is formulated with descriptive message and sent.

All the messages are subclasses of QMI_Message and at delivery routed through the MessageRouter.send_message of the context.


A closely related group of classes to messaging are the signalling classes. RPC objects can be set to contain signals that broadcast data. The SignalManager class takes care of publishing data via signals and handling (pending) subscriptions of receivers that would like to listen to the broadcast. In QMI_Task and QMI_LoopTask there are “settings” and “status” signals, respectively, as standard signals. The user can modify these signals to broadcast the wanted data. By a simple QMI_Task object the request to broadcast settings has to be done manually, or be done in a custom loop. The QMI_LoopTask instead has a standard loop that updates both “settings” (from parent class) and “status” and, if implemented in some Task, publishes these signals. It also publishes data from custom signals, if implemented.

Signals, being it publishers or receivers, can be added to any RPC object, but the use of those will need more manual work. For example, when a QMI task or tasks are made to be part of a service, the service can then be made to control the signalling (also between tasks) and data publication.

Signalling more in detail


The figure above outlines the class inheritance, ownership, parameter type and usage relations of the QMI messaging and signalling.

Green arrows denote inheritance, i.e., an ‘is-a’ relation between classes.

Blue arrows denote ownership. Ownerships arrows start in a named field of a class instance, and the arrow carries a label that shows how many instances are owned, e.g., ‘(one)’ or ‘(zero or more)’.

Black dashed arrows with open arrow heads means that a method call’s argument or arguments are of class type of target.

Black dashed arrows with full arrow heads means that a method is used and/or implemented in the target class method.

From this fourth figure it can be seen how the subscribing and unsubscribing of receivers to signals are done via the QMI_Context methods, and also publishing of data is routed via it. This way the QMI context can keep an object registry of which broadcasts it should listen to and which data to publish. The signals use QMI_SignalMessage to broadcast signals between contexts. Each context owns exactly one SignalManager instance. The signal subscription and unsubscribing is routed to QMI_SignalSubscriber class. The subscription of signals is done by using QMI_SignaSubscriptionReply which inherits from the QMI_ReplyMessage. Subscription and unsubscribing requires as receiver input parameter an instance of QMI_SignalReceiver, which contains a queue of received signals. When any such signal gets published, the published signal is automatically added to the receive queue of the QMI_SignalReceiver.

The _queue of QMI_SignalReceiver is from collections.deque.

Publishing of a signal is implemented in QMI_RegisteredSignal.publish which is an implementation of the abstract base class QMI_Signal. Actual publishing happens in QMI_context when publish_signal method of the context is called. After that it is available for any receivers.


QMI makes use of Python’s built-in logging module, and logs data in a log file. The default name and location is $QMI_HOME/qmi.log. If the environmental variable QMI_HOME is not set, it defaults to the user’s home directory. The name of the log file can be customized by giving another name in CfgLogging.logfile instance of CfgQmi.logging configuration entry. If the logger is started normally (not in DEBUG mode), using qmi.start with console_loglevel= keyword argument, the default logging level to console can be adjusted. Or it can be set in the configuration file.

Further, in the configuration file the log level of all modules’ loggers can be set with loglevel keyword argument, or module-specifically with loglevels keyword argument. The latter requires as input a string: string dictionary. An example of a logging setup in qmi.conf could be:

"logging": {
    "loglevel": "WARNING",
    "console_loglevel": "ERROR",
    "logfile": "focus_on_task_and_rpc.log"
    "loglevels": {
        "qmi.core.task": "INFO",
        "qmi.core.rpc": "INFO"

In this example we raise the generic loglevel to “WARNING” and console loglevel to “ERROR” so that logging “INFO” entries will not come to the log file, and we will see only “ERROR” level messages on the console. Then, we set the logging to be done in a special log file with only qmi.core.task and qmi.core.rpc modules logging everything starting from the “INFO” level. This could be useful when an user wants to filter out other modules’ “INFO” messages to focus more on what is going on in a task and its RPC calls.

the possible options are “INFO” (default log level), “WARNING” (default for console log level), “DEBUG”, “CRITICAL”, “FATAL”, “ERROR”, “WARN”, “NOTSET”. “DEBUG” should not be used directly, but rather via the QMI_DEBUG environment variable. By setting QMI_DEBUG as environmental variable (to any value), at qmi.start() call both log levels to log file and to console are set into “DEBUG” level.