
The QMI git repository is hosted on GitHub. While it is possible to install QMI by checking out the repository, for normal use we recommend installation via pip.

pip install git+

Read the of the project for more detailed installation procedure.


Python version

QMI depends on Python 3.8 or newer.

Python packages

QMI depends (directly or indirectly) on the following packages. These packages can be installed via pip, if that is your preferred way of installing Python packages.

The following Python packages provide support for specific hardware. They are not hard dependencies: QMI will work fine without them, but you will be unable to use the instruments they support if they’re not installed.

  • Package ADwin for Adwin instruments.

  • Package pydwf for Analog Discovery 2 instrument.

  • Package PyVISA for certain Windows(-only) instruments.

  • Package uldaq for supporting MCC and MCC-based instruments (Bristol FOS);

  • Package zhinst for the Zürich Instruments AWG.

  • Package RPi.GPIO for controlling the digital pins of the Raspberry Pi.

Note that this list might not be complete, as by introduction of new hardware drivers, new packages could be added.

The QMI project uses Mypy and Pylint in checking the code quality. For local checks it is useful to have:

  • Packages pylint and mypy for static code checks;

Dependencies on closed-source drivers

Note that this list might not be complete, as by introduction of new hardware drivers, new dependencies could be added.